Save up to $25,000 a year on college with Merit Aid.

And you don’t need to qualify for financial aid.

Real Results: Merit Aid Course Success Stories

“I thought colleges had all the power in the application process. Your insights helped me increase the Merit Aid for my son by $20,000 over four years, in just a ten-minute phone call with the school. Pretty good return on investment!!”

Connecticut parent
Drexel University

“Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU. Based on your advice, we decided to appeal the financial aid award on the basis of merit. They replaced loans and work study with a four-year merit award, saving us $18,000 over four years.”

Oregon parent
Lafayette College

“Your advice yielded an extra $20,000 over four years!”

California parent
Rensselaer Polytechnic Insitute

“Just finished your terrific course (in one sitting!). I thought it would be a good refresher of what I already had learned, but of course I learned so much more. You definitely make it easier and more palatable.”

California parent
Bryn Mawr College

Here’s what you’ll get in the video course

Plus bonus materials

8 links

to useful, time and money-saving resources

1 Quiz

to hone your merit aid detection skills

A PDF guide to the most important questions about saving on college.

More about Merit Aid

About Ron


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